Sugitani, Shoko 杉谷 昭子

Artist Profile
Shoko Sugitani Profile
Shoko Sugitani studied piano with Prof.Eiko Yada and Prof.Akiko Iguchi. After graduating from Tokyo National University of the Arts, Sugitani continued her studies at Staatliche Hochschule fuer Musik in Koeln, Germany, where she attained Artist's Diploma.
Winning outstanding prizes at several international competitions, including Maria Canals and Viotti International Competitions, Sugitani further studied with Bruno Leonardo Gelber, Alexis Weissenberg and Claudio Arrau. Sugitani performed with the international leading orchestras and performed chamber music with principals of the Berlin Philharmonic and Vienna Philharmonic orchestras at historical concert halls during her 37 years stay in Germany.
Sugitani has made highly-praised recordings and released the complete works of solo piano music of Brahms and all the Beethoven Piano Concertos including №6 op.61a arranged Violin Concert for Piano Concert by Beethoven with Berlin Symphony Orchestra in Berlin as the first female pianist in the world. Recently her recordings of the complete piano sonatas and the Diabelli Variations by Beethoven, and Piano Quintet "the Trout " by Schubert received great acclaim from critics in Japan.
Since 1994, Sugitani was a jury of Clara Schumann International Piano Competition, and since then she has good relationships with other juries such as Martha Argerich, Vladimir Ashkenazy, and Nelson Freire. In 2010, Sugitani established "European International Piano Competition in Japan.
With the remarkable successful career in Europe, Sugitani's interpretation of German music has been internationally highly esteemed. Sugitani is considered as the last successor of a great tradition which leads back to Beethoven directly through Carl Czerny, Franz Liszt, Martin Krause and Claudio Arrau who are also successors. Moreover Sugitani is a renowned pianist in Japan and across the world as the last pupil of Claudio Arrau, one of the greatest pianists in the 20th century.
A Duo-Concert of Sugitani and Werner Hink, former concertmaster od Vienna Philharmonic Orchesra impressed a large audience at the Tokyo Bunkakaikan Recitalhall in 2012.
1994年よりドイツでの「クララ・シューマン国際ピアノコンクール」の審査を通じてマルタ・アルゲリッチと親交が深まり多大の影響を受けている。2010年「ヨーロッパ国際ピアノコンクール in Japan」を創設。
Shoko Sugitani studied piano with Prof.Eiko Yada and Prof.Akiko Iguchi. After graduating from Tokyo National University of the Arts, Sugitani continued her studies at Staatliche Hochschule fuer Musik in Koeln, Germany, where she attained Artist's Diploma.
Winning outstanding prizes at several international competitions, including Maria Canals and Viotti International Competitions, Sugitani further studied with Bruno Leonardo Gelber, Alexis Weissenberg and Claudio Arrau. Sugitani performed with the international leading orchestras and performed chamber music with principals of the Berlin Philharmonic and Vienna Philharmonic orchestras at historical concert halls during her 37 years stay in Germany.
Sugitani has made highly-praised recordings and released the complete works of solo piano music of Brahms and all the Beethoven Piano Concertos including №6 op.61a arranged Violin Concert for Piano Concert by Beethoven with Berlin Symphony Orchestra in Berlin as the first female pianist in the world. Recently her recordings of the complete piano sonatas and the Diabelli Variations by Beethoven, and Piano Quintet "the Trout " by Schubert received great acclaim from critics in Japan.
Since 1994, Sugitani was a jury of Clara Schumann International Piano Competition, and since then she has good relationships with other juries such as Martha Argerich, Vladimir Ashkenazy, and Nelson Freire. In 2010, Sugitani established "European International Piano Competition in Japan.
With the remarkable successful career in Europe, Sugitani's interpretation of German music has been internationally highly esteemed. Sugitani is considered as the last successor of a great tradition which leads back to Beethoven directly through Carl Czerny, Franz Liszt, Martin Krause and Claudio Arrau who are also successors. Moreover Sugitani is a renowned pianist in Japan and across the world as the last pupil of Claudio Arrau, one of the greatest pianists in the 20th century.
A Duo-Concert of Sugitani and Werner Hink, former concertmaster od Vienna Philharmonic Orchesra impressed a large audience at the Tokyo Bunkakaikan Recitalhall in 2012.
1994年よりドイツでの「クララ・シューマン国際ピアノコンクール」の審査を通じてマルタ・アルゲリッチと親交が深まり多大の影響を受けている。2010年「ヨーロッパ国際ピアノコンクール in Japan」を創設。