Iimori, Norichika 飯森 範親

Artist Profile
飯森 範親 (IIMORI, Norichika)
海外ではフランクフルト放響、ケルン放響、チェコ・フィル、プラハ響、モスクワ放響、北西ドイツ・フィル、デュッセルドルフ響、ドルトムント・フィル、バーゼル響、チェコ国立ブルノ・フィル、チェコ国立モラヴィア・フィル、ホノルル響など世界的なオーケストラに客演を重ね、01年よりドイツ・ヴュルテンベルク・フィルの音楽総監督(GMD)に着任。日本ツアーを成功させるとともに、ベートーヴェン交響曲全集をリリース。06年度 芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞、06年度中島健蔵音楽賞を受賞。
現在、東京交響楽団正指揮者、いずみシンフォニエッタ大阪常任指揮者、ザ・カレッジ・オペラハウス管弦楽団名誉指揮者、ヴュルテンベルク・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団首席客演指揮者。07年から山形交響楽団の音楽監督に就任、次々と新機軸を打ち出してオーケストラの活動発展と水準の向上に目覚しい成果を挙げている。08年にはアカデミー賞映画「おくりびと」にも出演するなど、「飯森&山響」コンビのエネルギッシュな活動はいま大きな注目を集めている。オーケストラを革新し、地域活性化に貢献したことから、2010年のビジネス・イノベーション・アワード大賞を受賞し、2011年には山形県より齋藤茂吉文化賞を受賞。近年は音楽家としての活動のみならず、こうしたアートマネジメント分野でもその才能を発揮し、日本経営士会名誉会員として活躍の場を広げている。2012年 東京交響楽団との《レスピーギ:交響詩「ローマの松」「ローマの噴水」「ローマの祭り」》はレコード芸術誌特選盤に選ばれた。2014年4月より日本センチュリー交響楽団首席指揮者に就任。
オフィシャル・ホームページ www.iimori-norichika.com
Maestro Iimori currently holds many important posts worldwide, including that of Music Director for the Yamagata Symphony Orchestra, Principal Conductor of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Permanent Conductor of the Izumi Symphonietta Osaka, Honorary Conductor of the Opera House Symphony Orchestra, and Principal Guest Conductor of the Württemberg Philharmonic Orchestra from September 2007, followed by the General Music Director tenured from the 2001 to 2006/7 season.
Born on May 17, 1963, Iimori studied under Seiji Ozawa and Jean Fournet and served as an assistant to Wolfgang Sawallish at the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich. He recorded a CD with the Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, which was highly praised, and was named guest conductor of that orchestra in 1994.
He led the European tour of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra in 1996. Their performance in Munich on this tour was lauded by a German newspaper that commented, "Iimori will surely go on to attract international attention."
In 1999 he directed the Radio Philharmony Hannover of Northern Germany for the opening concert of the Braunschweiger Kammermusikpodium Chamber Music Festival Braunswick. Iimori has been invited to conduct many world-class ensembles including the Radio Symphony Orchestra Frankfurt, the Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, the Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK),the Moravian Philharmony
Orchestra, the Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra of Moscow Radio, the Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic Orchestra of Poland, the Dortmund Opera Orchestra of Germany, the Basel Symphony Orchestra of Switzerland, Norddeutsche Philharmonie Rostock, Neue Philharmonie Westfalen, Sinfonie Orchester Wuppertal, Philharmonie Halle and others.
Iimori completed CD recording of the Beethoven 9 Symphonies cycle with Wurttemberg
Philharmonic Orchestra, with he toured Japan in 2006.
Iimori made big success at the concert of Mahler’s First Symphony with the NHK Symphony Orchestra in the 2003, and made his US debut in 2005 with the Honolulu Symphony Orchestra to great acclaim, followed by a successful re-invitation.
The rare relationships of mutual trust that Iimori has built with orchestras around the world, and the expansion of the solid network of activities reinforcing that confidence, have been highly praised, and in 2005 he was awarded the Akeo Watanabe Music Foundation Music Award. In addition, for his achievements in conducting premieres and other performances of modern works?notably including a performance of Janacek’s “The Makropoulos Affair” with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra?as well as works by Japanese composers, Iimori received the 2006 “Art Encouragement Prize for Freshman” from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In the same year, he was awarded the Kenzo Nakajima Music Award. In 2007, Iimori conducted the Japan premiere of the Henze opera L’Upupa and received rave reviews in the newspapers.
The energetic activities of Iimori and Yamagata Symphony Orchestra, including the appearance in the Academy Award winning film “Departures” in 2008, attract great attention.
Especially, for his dynamic innovation of the orchestra and contribution to the local revitalization, Iimori received the Business Innovation Award Grand Prix 2010 from Association of Management Consultants in Japan. He also received Mokichi Saito Cultural Prize from Yamagata Prefecture in 2011.
Music Director: Yamagata Symphony Orchestra
Principal Conductor: Tokyo Symphony Orchestra
Principal Guest Conductor: Württemberg Philharmonic Orchestra, Reutlingen
Official hoomepage:
海外ではフランクフルト放響、ケルン放響、チェコ・フィル、プラハ響、モスクワ放響、北西ドイツ・フィル、デュッセルドルフ響、ドルトムント・フィル、バーゼル響、チェコ国立ブルノ・フィル、チェコ国立モラヴィア・フィル、ホノルル響など世界的なオーケストラに客演を重ね、01年よりドイツ・ヴュルテンベルク・フィルの音楽総監督(GMD)に着任。日本ツアーを成功させるとともに、ベートーヴェン交響曲全集をリリース。06年度 芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞、06年度中島健蔵音楽賞を受賞。
現在、東京交響楽団正指揮者、いずみシンフォニエッタ大阪常任指揮者、ザ・カレッジ・オペラハウス管弦楽団名誉指揮者、ヴュルテンベルク・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団首席客演指揮者。07年から山形交響楽団の音楽監督に就任、次々と新機軸を打ち出してオーケストラの活動発展と水準の向上に目覚しい成果を挙げている。08年にはアカデミー賞映画「おくりびと」にも出演するなど、「飯森&山響」コンビのエネルギッシュな活動はいま大きな注目を集めている。オーケストラを革新し、地域活性化に貢献したことから、2010年のビジネス・イノベーション・アワード大賞を受賞し、2011年には山形県より齋藤茂吉文化賞を受賞。近年は音楽家としての活動のみならず、こうしたアートマネジメント分野でもその才能を発揮し、日本経営士会名誉会員として活躍の場を広げている。2012年 東京交響楽団との《レスピーギ:交響詩「ローマの松」「ローマの噴水」「ローマの祭り」》はレコード芸術誌特選盤に選ばれた。2014年4月より日本センチュリー交響楽団首席指揮者に就任。
オフィシャル・ホームページ www.iimori-norichika.com
Maestro Iimori currently holds many important posts worldwide, including that of Music Director for the Yamagata Symphony Orchestra, Principal Conductor of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Permanent Conductor of the Izumi Symphonietta Osaka, Honorary Conductor of the Opera House Symphony Orchestra, and Principal Guest Conductor of the Württemberg Philharmonic Orchestra from September 2007, followed by the General Music Director tenured from the 2001 to 2006/7 season.
Born on May 17, 1963, Iimori studied under Seiji Ozawa and Jean Fournet and served as an assistant to Wolfgang Sawallish at the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich. He recorded a CD with the Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, which was highly praised, and was named guest conductor of that orchestra in 1994.
He led the European tour of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra in 1996. Their performance in Munich on this tour was lauded by a German newspaper that commented, "Iimori will surely go on to attract international attention."
In 1999 he directed the Radio Philharmony Hannover of Northern Germany for the opening concert of the Braunschweiger Kammermusikpodium Chamber Music Festival Braunswick. Iimori has been invited to conduct many world-class ensembles including the Radio Symphony Orchestra Frankfurt, the Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, the Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK),the Moravian Philharmony
Orchestra, the Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra of Moscow Radio, the Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic Orchestra of Poland, the Dortmund Opera Orchestra of Germany, the Basel Symphony Orchestra of Switzerland, Norddeutsche Philharmonie Rostock, Neue Philharmonie Westfalen, Sinfonie Orchester Wuppertal, Philharmonie Halle and others.
Iimori completed CD recording of the Beethoven 9 Symphonies cycle with Wurttemberg
Philharmonic Orchestra, with he toured Japan in 2006.
Iimori made big success at the concert of Mahler’s First Symphony with the NHK Symphony Orchestra in the 2003, and made his US debut in 2005 with the Honolulu Symphony Orchestra to great acclaim, followed by a successful re-invitation.
The rare relationships of mutual trust that Iimori has built with orchestras around the world, and the expansion of the solid network of activities reinforcing that confidence, have been highly praised, and in 2005 he was awarded the Akeo Watanabe Music Foundation Music Award. In addition, for his achievements in conducting premieres and other performances of modern works?notably including a performance of Janacek’s “The Makropoulos Affair” with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra?as well as works by Japanese composers, Iimori received the 2006 “Art Encouragement Prize for Freshman” from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In the same year, he was awarded the Kenzo Nakajima Music Award. In 2007, Iimori conducted the Japan premiere of the Henze opera L’Upupa and received rave reviews in the newspapers.
The energetic activities of Iimori and Yamagata Symphony Orchestra, including the appearance in the Academy Award winning film “Departures” in 2008, attract great attention.
Especially, for his dynamic innovation of the orchestra and contribution to the local revitalization, Iimori received the Business Innovation Award Grand Prix 2010 from Association of Management Consultants in Japan. He also received Mokichi Saito Cultural Prize from Yamagata Prefecture in 2011.
Music Director: Yamagata Symphony Orchestra
Principal Conductor: Tokyo Symphony Orchestra
Principal Guest Conductor: Württemberg Philharmonic Orchestra, Reutlingen
Official hoomepage: