mimi duo

Artist Profile
増田 摂(ピアノ)とダンカン・ガーディナー(クラッシックギター)は2012年に、mimi duoを結成して以来 オーストラリア、パー スの観客を魅了し続けている。レパートリーはクラッシック音楽を中心に バッハ、ベリーニ、ボッケリーニ、シューベルト、ピアソラ、ロドリゴ、オーストラリア現代作曲 家ウエストレイクと 多岐にわたる。近年mimiギタリスト兼作曲家 ガーディナーの数々のオリジナル曲と 増田による編曲、更に現代日本人作曲家の作品も数々手掛けている。
▼増田 摂 Setsu Masuda
オーストラリア パース在住 ピアニスト
5歳からピアノを始める。1994年以来 オーストラリア、パースに永 住。2009年にピアノを再開し、オーストラリア音楽連盟による国家試験 でピアノ演奏ディプロマを取得。パース交響楽団のメンバーと室内 楽を中心に 様々な音楽活動を行う異色のピアニスト。
活動の中心となる ギタリスト ダンカン・ガーディナーとのデュオ、mimi duoでは2012年以来パースをベースにコンサート活動が盛んで ある。2015年12月にmimi duo 初CD“Falling Like Tears”をリリース、2016年3月には mimi duo 日本公演を果たしている。また東日本大震災復興支援コンサート “ローズ&ハーツ“ シリーズの芸術監督を勤める。年2回、様々なアンサンブル ミュージシャン達 を西豪州交響楽団から招待して共演、これまで6回のチャリティーコ ンサートを主催, 日本赤十字社に義援金を送り続けている。
▼Duncan Gardiner (ダンカン・ガーディナー)
オーストラリア、パース在住 クラッシックギタリスト/作曲家
西豪州パフォーミング アーツ芸術アカデミーの演奏学科を主席で卒業。オーストラリア音楽連盟よりギター演奏ディプロマを取得と同時に最優秀ミュージシャンに選ばれる。「素晴らしい才能」、「クラッシックギターの大使」―Julian Day(ABC クラッシックFM)、「非常に魅力的な音楽」、「聴くだけでなく 弾くことにも喜びを感じる音楽」― William Yeoman(ウエスト オーストラリアン紙) 更に、“著名オー ストラリア人演奏家”(Ron K. Payne出版)の一人にも選ばれる等、オー ストラリアを代表する若手ギタリストの一人である。
これまで3枚のアルバムをリリース。2番目のアルバム、“Incense & Arabie”は好評を博す。「瞑想的で且つ絶妙なメロディー、完璧な演奏 とプロデュース」―Rosalind Appleby、同様に、2009年のデビューアル バム “Of Dreams and Fantasy”はイギリスのギター雑誌でも紹介され る。「これまでに 出逢ったギターCDの中でもベストである。何度聴 いても感激は尽きない。」―Chris Dumigan(クラッシックギター マ ガジン UK)。また、このアルバムはパースのメジャー新聞、ウエスト オーストラリアン紙で 週刊ベストCDに選ばれる。2枚のアルバムか らは 数々のオリジナル曲が 国営放送局ABC クラッシックFMで頻繁に 放送されている。
2009年にオリジナル曲集を出版、数々の委嘱作品を手がけ、作曲家とし ての活動が近年目覚ましい。2014年には パース ヤングオーケスト ラ、シンフォニエッタの為の委嘱作品“Sharp Light and Spirals”がパース コンサートホールで世界初演され、2015年には ニューマンカレッジ コンサートバンド・合唱団の為の委嘱作品―”Dance (like nobody’s watching)”が シドニーオペラハウスで世界初演された。更に フリー マントル交響楽団が ガーディナーのオーケストラ作品2曲を世界初 演。「真の創造性、芸術性。彼の作品はララバイであろうと 迫力満点 のタンゴであろうと、耳に心地よく響く。」― Neville Cohn(ウエスト オーストラリアン紙)
2016年には ロスモイン高校オーケストラ・合唱団の為の最新委嘱作品が イタリア国内各地で世界初演される。
Piano and guitar duets are a rare beast but in the hands of mimi duo (Duncan Gardiner – guitar and Setsu Masuda – piano), the result is breathtaking and beautiful. Gardiner and Masuda each bring their own specialities to create a magical blend of music including exotic impressions from Japan and Spain, to intricate works of Bach, sweet sorbets of Schubert, passionate tangos and heartfelt originals. mimi has captivated audiences since their inception in 2012 and are establishing a lasting musical collaboration through their many concert engagements across the state. 2016 will see mimi take to the international stage as they tour Japan.
Their current repertoire spans works by Bach, Schubert, Boccherini, Piazolla, Rodrigo, and Westlake, alongside heartfelt original works by Gardiner and fiery arrangements by Masuda. New additions to their repertoire feature exquisite arrangements of Japanese folk tunes by Katsuhito Inoue as well as other works by Japanese composers Takashi Yoshimatsu and Ryuichi Sakamoto.
The duo have performed at the UWA alongside one of the world’s most renowned guitarists, Craig Ogden, and are regulars at the iconic Ellington Jazz Club. In 2015, mimi featured as guest soloists with the Fremantle Symphony Orchestra. mimi have also been special guest performers at WAAPA and a range of established music societies of WA, as well as Classics at the Chapel in Margaret River. Highlights of their musical calendars are their collaborations with the Aria Quintet. mimi was invited to perform at the Abbey Church, New Norcia - “It was the most moving, impressive and original concert we have had here.” (Dom Robert Nixon, New Norcia). mimi continue their regular soirées for Roses and Hearts concert series.
▼Setsu Masuda: pianist
Setsu Masuda started her music career later in her life when she returned to play and study the piano in 2009 and now holds both the Associate and Licentiate Diplomas from the Australian Music Examinations Board. She was invited to perform as a soloist at the AMEB awards ceremony, held at the University of Western Australia.
Since 2012, Setsu has been performing with renowned guitarist Duncan Gardiner in mimi duo, and also enjoys performing in a variety of chamber music groups with members of Perth Symphony Orchestra. She has appeared as a guest soloist with the Fremantle Symphony Orchestra for the premiere performances of Duncan Gardiner's works.
Setsu is currently the artistic director of an intimate chamber music series Roses and Hearts which raises money for the victims of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan. She hosts and collaborates with her mentor, renowned pianist Adam Pinto, and also with her duo partner Duncan Gardiner, as well as various special guest artists from WASO. Her recent interests are in the collaboration between music, literature and visual arts. She also enjoys creating musical arrangements for mimi’s concert repertoire. This album Falling Like Tears is her first album as mimi duo.
▼Duncan Gardiner: guitarist, composer and arranger
Classical guitarist and composer, Duncan Gardiner, is emerging as one of Australia’s leading musicians. Having released three albums, published a book of original works and toured internationally, Duncan has been described as “exceedingly talented” (Julian Day, ABC Classic FM) and as “an excellent ambassador for the classical guitar”. His playing has been described by audiences as “delicate, serene and magical”, while William Yeoman (The West), described his “extraordinarily attractive music [as] not only a pleasure to listen to but a delight to play”. Duncan was honoured to be included in Ron K. Payne’s publication The Twang Dynasty, a history of notable Australian performers.
Duncan’s second album Incense & Arabie was warmly received by reviewer, Rosalind Appleby (Noted), who exclaimed, “the works are pensive, melodically exquisite and immaculately performed and produced”. Similarly, Duncan’s debut album Of Dreams and Fantasy impressed Chris Dumigan (Classical Guitar Magazine, UK) who stated: “I must say that this is one of the very best CDs of guitar music to ever come my way... I have returned to this CD more than most others just for the sheer pleasure of it. This is a startlingly good disc”. It is no wonder that it was voted ‘CD of the Week’ in the West Australian newspaper (2009). Each of his albums receives regular national airplay on ABC Classic FM.
Duncan is active as a composer and published a book of original works in 2009. He has been commissioned to compose music for a number of prestigious groups and organisations. In 2014, the Western Australian Youth Orchestra’s Sinfonietta premiered his commission Sharp Light and Spirals at the Perth Concert Hall. Duncan’s work Dance (like nobody’s watching) was premiered by the Newman College concert band and choir at the Sydney Opera House. The Fremantle Symphony Orchestra presented world premieres of two of his orchestral suites. Of these works, Neville Cohn (The West) said: “These works reveal evidence of a real creative gift… They are written with real understanding of what works in rhythmical and sonic terms. Whether lulling or emphatic, they delighted the ear”. A recent commission by Rossmoyne Senior High School will see performances of his works across Italy in 2016.
▼増田 摂 Setsu Masuda
オーストラリア パース在住 ピアニスト
5歳からピアノを始める。1994年以来 オーストラリア、パースに永 住。2009年にピアノを再開し、オーストラリア音楽連盟による国家試験 でピアノ演奏ディプロマを取得。パース交響楽団のメンバーと室内 楽を中心に 様々な音楽活動を行う異色のピアニスト。
活動の中心となる ギタリスト ダンカン・ガーディナーとのデュオ、mimi duoでは2012年以来パースをベースにコンサート活動が盛んで ある。2015年12月にmimi duo 初CD“Falling Like Tears”をリリース、2016年3月には mimi duo 日本公演を果たしている。また東日本大震災復興支援コンサート “ローズ&ハーツ“ シリーズの芸術監督を勤める。年2回、様々なアンサンブル ミュージシャン達 を西豪州交響楽団から招待して共演、これまで6回のチャリティーコ ンサートを主催, 日本赤十字社に義援金を送り続けている。
▼Duncan Gardiner (ダンカン・ガーディナー)
オーストラリア、パース在住 クラッシックギタリスト/作曲家
西豪州パフォーミング アーツ芸術アカデミーの演奏学科を主席で卒業。オーストラリア音楽連盟よりギター演奏ディプロマを取得と同時に最優秀ミュージシャンに選ばれる。「素晴らしい才能」、「クラッシックギターの大使」―Julian Day(ABC クラッシックFM)、「非常に魅力的な音楽」、「聴くだけでなく 弾くことにも喜びを感じる音楽」― William Yeoman(ウエスト オーストラリアン紙) 更に、“著名オー ストラリア人演奏家”(Ron K. Payne出版)の一人にも選ばれる等、オー ストラリアを代表する若手ギタリストの一人である。
これまで3枚のアルバムをリリース。2番目のアルバム、“Incense & Arabie”は好評を博す。「瞑想的で且つ絶妙なメロディー、完璧な演奏 とプロデュース」―Rosalind Appleby、同様に、2009年のデビューアル バム “Of Dreams and Fantasy”はイギリスのギター雑誌でも紹介され る。「これまでに 出逢ったギターCDの中でもベストである。何度聴 いても感激は尽きない。」―Chris Dumigan(クラッシックギター マ ガジン UK)。また、このアルバムはパースのメジャー新聞、ウエスト オーストラリアン紙で 週刊ベストCDに選ばれる。2枚のアルバムか らは 数々のオリジナル曲が 国営放送局ABC クラッシックFMで頻繁に 放送されている。
2009年にオリジナル曲集を出版、数々の委嘱作品を手がけ、作曲家とし ての活動が近年目覚ましい。2014年には パース ヤングオーケスト ラ、シンフォニエッタの為の委嘱作品“Sharp Light and Spirals”がパース コンサートホールで世界初演され、2015年には ニューマンカレッジ コンサートバンド・合唱団の為の委嘱作品―”Dance (like nobody’s watching)”が シドニーオペラハウスで世界初演された。更に フリー マントル交響楽団が ガーディナーのオーケストラ作品2曲を世界初 演。「真の創造性、芸術性。彼の作品はララバイであろうと 迫力満点 のタンゴであろうと、耳に心地よく響く。」― Neville Cohn(ウエスト オーストラリアン紙)
2016年には ロスモイン高校オーケストラ・合唱団の為の最新委嘱作品が イタリア国内各地で世界初演される。
Piano and guitar duets are a rare beast but in the hands of mimi duo (Duncan Gardiner – guitar and Setsu Masuda – piano), the result is breathtaking and beautiful. Gardiner and Masuda each bring their own specialities to create a magical blend of music including exotic impressions from Japan and Spain, to intricate works of Bach, sweet sorbets of Schubert, passionate tangos and heartfelt originals. mimi has captivated audiences since their inception in 2012 and are establishing a lasting musical collaboration through their many concert engagements across the state. 2016 will see mimi take to the international stage as they tour Japan.
Their current repertoire spans works by Bach, Schubert, Boccherini, Piazolla, Rodrigo, and Westlake, alongside heartfelt original works by Gardiner and fiery arrangements by Masuda. New additions to their repertoire feature exquisite arrangements of Japanese folk tunes by Katsuhito Inoue as well as other works by Japanese composers Takashi Yoshimatsu and Ryuichi Sakamoto.
The duo have performed at the UWA alongside one of the world’s most renowned guitarists, Craig Ogden, and are regulars at the iconic Ellington Jazz Club. In 2015, mimi featured as guest soloists with the Fremantle Symphony Orchestra. mimi have also been special guest performers at WAAPA and a range of established music societies of WA, as well as Classics at the Chapel in Margaret River. Highlights of their musical calendars are their collaborations with the Aria Quintet. mimi was invited to perform at the Abbey Church, New Norcia - “It was the most moving, impressive and original concert we have had here.” (Dom Robert Nixon, New Norcia). mimi continue their regular soirées for Roses and Hearts concert series.
▼Setsu Masuda: pianist
Setsu Masuda started her music career later in her life when she returned to play and study the piano in 2009 and now holds both the Associate and Licentiate Diplomas from the Australian Music Examinations Board. She was invited to perform as a soloist at the AMEB awards ceremony, held at the University of Western Australia.
Since 2012, Setsu has been performing with renowned guitarist Duncan Gardiner in mimi duo, and also enjoys performing in a variety of chamber music groups with members of Perth Symphony Orchestra. She has appeared as a guest soloist with the Fremantle Symphony Orchestra for the premiere performances of Duncan Gardiner's works.
Setsu is currently the artistic director of an intimate chamber music series Roses and Hearts which raises money for the victims of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan. She hosts and collaborates with her mentor, renowned pianist Adam Pinto, and also with her duo partner Duncan Gardiner, as well as various special guest artists from WASO. Her recent interests are in the collaboration between music, literature and visual arts. She also enjoys creating musical arrangements for mimi’s concert repertoire. This album Falling Like Tears is her first album as mimi duo.
▼Duncan Gardiner: guitarist, composer and arranger
Classical guitarist and composer, Duncan Gardiner, is emerging as one of Australia’s leading musicians. Having released three albums, published a book of original works and toured internationally, Duncan has been described as “exceedingly talented” (Julian Day, ABC Classic FM) and as “an excellent ambassador for the classical guitar”. His playing has been described by audiences as “delicate, serene and magical”, while William Yeoman (The West), described his “extraordinarily attractive music [as] not only a pleasure to listen to but a delight to play”. Duncan was honoured to be included in Ron K. Payne’s publication The Twang Dynasty, a history of notable Australian performers.
Duncan’s second album Incense & Arabie was warmly received by reviewer, Rosalind Appleby (Noted), who exclaimed, “the works are pensive, melodically exquisite and immaculately performed and produced”. Similarly, Duncan’s debut album Of Dreams and Fantasy impressed Chris Dumigan (Classical Guitar Magazine, UK) who stated: “I must say that this is one of the very best CDs of guitar music to ever come my way... I have returned to this CD more than most others just for the sheer pleasure of it. This is a startlingly good disc”. It is no wonder that it was voted ‘CD of the Week’ in the West Australian newspaper (2009). Each of his albums receives regular national airplay on ABC Classic FM.
Duncan is active as a composer and published a book of original works in 2009. He has been commissioned to compose music for a number of prestigious groups and organisations. In 2014, the Western Australian Youth Orchestra’s Sinfonietta premiered his commission Sharp Light and Spirals at the Perth Concert Hall. Duncan’s work Dance (like nobody’s watching) was premiered by the Newman College concert band and choir at the Sydney Opera House. The Fremantle Symphony Orchestra presented world premieres of two of his orchestral suites. Of these works, Neville Cohn (The West) said: “These works reveal evidence of a real creative gift… They are written with real understanding of what works in rhythmical and sonic terms. Whether lulling or emphatic, they delighted the ear”. A recent commission by Rossmoyne Senior High School will see performances of his works across Italy in 2016.