Osada, Naoko 長田 奈緒子

Artist Profile
4歳よりピアノを始める。お茶の水女子大学卒業後、渡英。フルスカラシップでロンドン・トリニティー音楽大学ディプロマコースに学び、在学中John Longmireコンペティションに優勝、ロンドン・リストソサイエティー主催コンサートに出演、ファイナルリサイタルでは優秀賞を得る。その後、米国コネチカット大学よりフルスカラシップを得て、音楽学部の演奏家養成コースと修士課程を修了。在学中はアシスタントとして声楽、器楽のクラスやリサイタルで伴奏を担当した他、チェロ科教授採用オーディションの公式伴奏者を務めた。またハートフォード・ミュージッククラブから奨学金を受け、チューリッヒ夏期国際マイスタークルゼにてルドルフ・ブッフビンダー氏の薫陶を受ける。2009年から、カナダ・アルバータ大学よりフルスカラシップを得て、間宮芳生氏の作品研究を中心に研鑽を積み、2013年博士号(ピアノ演奏専攻)取得。在学中はピアノ科助手として学部生のピアノレッスンや室内楽の授業を担当し、学内外の演奏会や音楽祭での伴奏も多数受け持つ。日本、アメリカ、カナダで定期的にリサイタルを開催。これまでにピアノを故船木武子、故遠藤秀一郎、ニーナ・セレダ、ヴォロディミール・ヴィニツキー、ニール・ララビー、今井顕、ジャック・ デプレの各氏に師事。
Naoko Osada, originally from Japan, started musical studies at the age of 4 in Tokyo, and gave her first public performance 8 months later. She has been performing both as a chamber musician and soloist in Japan, England, Switzerland, US, and Canada. She frequently gives solo recitals in Tokyo, with a broad repertoire ranging from the baroque to the contemporary. Her collaborative performances are highly regarded for their lyrical intensity and subtle nuanced work by many singers, string players, wind players and percussionists.
Ms.Osada holds the Bachelor of Music degree from Ochanomizu University (Tokyo, Japan), Artist Diploma with distinction from Trinity College of Music (London, England), Performer's Certificate and Master of Music degree from the University of Connecticut (Storrs, US), where she was awarded numerous scholarships. Having studied with the late Takeko Funaki, the late Shuichiro Endo, Nina Sereda, Neal Larrabee, Volodymyr Vynnytzky, Akira Imai and Rudolf Buchbinder, she completed the Doctor of Music degree in piano performance program at the University of Alberta in 2013, under the supervision of Professor Jacques Després. Her doctoral project, through a sequence of lectures, recitals and recordings of Mamiya's representative solo piano and chamber works, was to utilize and enrich an expanding intercultural musical language through a focus on trans-cultural spaces, in which harmonic complexity, rhythmic complexity, and dense virtuosic style coexists with strains of indigenous voices, folk traditions, and local cultures.
Naoko Osada, originally from Japan, started musical studies at the age of 4 in Tokyo, and gave her first public performance 8 months later. She has been performing both as a chamber musician and soloist in Japan, England, Switzerland, US, and Canada. She frequently gives solo recitals in Tokyo, with a broad repertoire ranging from the baroque to the contemporary. Her collaborative performances are highly regarded for their lyrical intensity and subtle nuanced work by many singers, string players, wind players and percussionists.
Ms.Osada holds the Bachelor of Music degree from Ochanomizu University (Tokyo, Japan), Artist Diploma with distinction from Trinity College of Music (London, England), Performer's Certificate and Master of Music degree from the University of Connecticut (Storrs, US), where she was awarded numerous scholarships. Having studied with the late Takeko Funaki, the late Shuichiro Endo, Nina Sereda, Neal Larrabee, Volodymyr Vynnytzky, Akira Imai and Rudolf Buchbinder, she completed the Doctor of Music degree in piano performance program at the University of Alberta in 2013, under the supervision of Professor Jacques Després. Her doctoral project, through a sequence of lectures, recitals and recordings of Mamiya's representative solo piano and chamber works, was to utilize and enrich an expanding intercultural musical language through a focus on trans-cultural spaces, in which harmonic complexity, rhythmic complexity, and dense virtuosic style coexists with strains of indigenous voices, folk traditions, and local cultures.